So....anyone who knows me, knows how much I love my garden, and how depressing it was for me living in a hot climate and unable to grow all the cool climate plants.....so, now I am in a cool(er) climate I am bursting with delight at seeing my first crocus show its sunny little face :) Along with my mini Daffodils, Jetfire, and Tete a Tete. They are soo cute!! Quite different to jonquils I think. I'm waiting on my anemone's, freesia's and grape hyacinth in my front patch and the rest of the daffs and crocus to flower of course...I'm already planning more bulbs to buy for next years display, somehow I think I'll overdo it....you may just see my bright patch of colour when you look at Australia on google earth maps.....hehe
I loooove country life, sigh, bliss :)

Our lovely Miss Birch has a while to wait yet before she dresses in her swaying green frock for the summer....

I think she is lovely even still....
And my potted colour, keeping things cheery through the winter out in the back, as we work on the garden :)

Well, off for a hot cup of tea, as I listen to the pitter patter of rain on the roof and think some more about what to plant next in my garden, TTFN :)